tattoo marketing agency socialbeards

Do you want more clients in your tattoo chair?

Then our services are perfect for you....

Tattoo marketing services

tattoo marketing agency google adwords

Google advertising

We use Google to put you on the map quite literally. Using maps, youtube, partner program and a lot more we boost your client base sustainable 
tattoo marketing agency social media advertising

Social advertising

Advertising on social media for your tattoo shop gives you more reach and a new audience every day. This extended reach makes for new bookings!
tattoo marketing agency full color package

Full Color Package

Our 'Best Value' all-in package. By combining Social & Google advertising with a conversion website and social media coaching you'll reach your goals fast!
social media marketing for tattoo shops


Designing the perfect converting website for you from homepage to contactpage. All your work is on display and the visitors get all the right incentives to book.
tattoo marketing agency socialbeards logo

About SocialBeards

We're not your 'run of the mill' online marketing agency just throwing your ads on Google and social media. We are here for YOU, tattoo artists and piercers alike. We know the niche, we know the customer (because we are the customer). We know what you need to do on social media to achieve the goals you set as an artist. 

This makes us unique and quite frankly... the only tattoo marketing agency that operates this way. 

Our clients on the 🎙

"All artists booked"
It's getting super busy in the shop. All my artists are booked. This is a perfect way to grow your business!
Nadine - Het Anker Tattoos
"Revenue record!"
It's very busy and our books are full. We even had a record revenue amount this month through online marketing! The best tattoo marketing agency out there!
Robin - RO-INK
"I love it!"
My website is super clear. My customers love that they van book an intake appointment online. I love it. You need to hire a tattoo marketing agency if you want to grow more. 
Natasja - Bad Influence Tattoo

7 proven Instagram techniques

Get more bookings and connect with your clients in a better way using our 7 proven Instagram techniques. Our lead social media coach Rach has put her best practices  together for you in this simple 7 step e-book. 

The Socialbeards Team

Rachelle social media coach


Rach is our expert social media coach. With  her experience as a travel blogger she helps you navigate the algorithms to benefit your goals.


Tom is our go-to man for everything advertising. He's an absolute wizard when it comes to Google & Social ads. He knows what it takes to turn a lead into a client.


Lisa does all the client outreach. So it's very likely you'll be hearing her on the phone shortly. She's also our second social media coach and helps you hit the goals you want!


Founding Beard Buck is responsible for customer relations. He also runs the web building & e-mailmarketing department. He makes sure your new website has all the right features and your e-mail funnels flow correctly. He's also the guy you speak to for a free marketing strategy consultation.


Founding Beard Sander runs the whole internal show within Socialbeards. He guides the team and does all the financial stuff. He's also responsible for your monthly ads and progress reports. He crunches all the data and lets you know the plan for next months ads. 

Our clients on the 🎙

"6 new clients"
We had just started the Full Color Package for 2 weeks and there were already 6 new clients scheduled in! All day sessions.
Robin - RO-INK
"fresh ideas"
The guys and girls from socialbeards are fresh, full of ideas and have a good way of communicating. This is exactly what you need.
Aleks - Revenge tattoos
"Fully booked"
My artists get enough attention on the custom built website. The books are full and we are growing our shop!
Djos - Kosmos Ink

Download our free handout

Want to know more about our services and how they work for you? Download the free hand-out right here. You'll read all the ins and outs about our services and our tattoo marketing agency. 
free hand out tattoo marketing agency


Tattooshop marketing FAQ

What is online marketing for tattooshops?

Online marketing for tattoo shops means promoting their tattoo services on the internet. Just like other businesses, tattoo shops try various ways to reach potential customers and encourage them to get tattoos.

Websites: Tattoo shops often have a website where they showcase their portfolio and provide information about the different tattoo styles they offer. They want their website to look appealing to make people curious about their artistic skills.

Advertisements: Tattoo shops can place online ads, for example, on social media or tattoo-related websites. This is to grab the attention of people who might be interested in getting a tattoo.

Social media: Tattoo shops are active on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share pictures of their tattoo artworks. They aim to build an online community and engage with people looking for unique tattoo ideas.

Email marketing: Some tattoo shops send newsletters with information about special offers, new tattoo designs, or events. This way, they stay in touch with their customer base and encourage repeat visits.

Search engine optimization: Tattoo shops want their website to be easily found when people search online for tattoo studios. They use search engine optimization techniques to ensure their studio appears high in the search results when potential customers look for tattoo-related terms.

In summary, online marketing for tattoo shops involves smartly using internet platforms to showcase their tattoo portfolio, reach potential customers, and increase online visibility.

Why would I need online marketing for my tattooshop?

Online marketing for your tattoo shop is important because it helps you reach more people and showcase your tattoo work. Here are a few reasons why it can be beneficial:

Reach more people: With online marketing, you can make sure that more people know your tattoo shop exists. People looking for tattoos can find you more easily.

Show your work: You can share pictures of the tattoos you've done on a website or social media. This way, people can see how good you are and decide to get a tattoo from you.

Talk to customers: Through social media, you can talk to people interested in your tattoo shop. They can ask questions, and you can answer. It helps build a connection.

Announce offers: You can also let people know online if you have special offers or if something special is happening in your tattoo shop. People love discounts and events, so this can encourage them to visit.

Stand out from others: In a busy market, it's important to be noticed. By using online marketing wisely, you can make sure that people remember your tattoo shop and choose it over other options.

Listen to feedback: Through the internet, you can find out what customers think about your tattoos. This helps you improve and shows new customers that others are satisfied with your work.

In short, online marketing helps you gain more visibility, showcase your work, connect with customers, share offers, stand out in the market, and receive feedback for growth. It's a convenient way to promote your tattoo shop and attract more people.

What package should I choose?

This is a though question to answer here. It all depends on what your goals are, which budget you've got and what your plans are for the future.

This is why we offer a free and no-strings-attached online marketing consult. We'll be talking about your current marketing situation and how you can improve this yourself. We'll also cover how we can help you get where you want to get.

Will online marketing instantly give me new customers?

No, you can't expect that. We see different things happening with our clients and most do attract new clients from day one. But there are to many variables outside of the online marketing which make that people might not book.

What we can guarantee you is that you'll receive relevant visitors on your website and social media channels. Our services are made to increase the chance that they will book an appointment significantly. The more people visit your channels, the more clients will book.

How does Socialbeards make my marketing work?

Our team reviews and rebuilds your ads every month. This way you always have custom ads running for your business. We optimize them every month and this way you get a steady and durable growth in their performance.

Every month we contact you by phone and we'll be talking about how you feel about our service and if there are any things we can improve or events you'd like to discuss. You also receive a details statistics report every month so you can monitor growth.